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Way Back

Sara Cox / Sara Cox
Josie's life is absolutely completely fine. Nice husband brilliant best friend a gorgeous kid at uni. The big house of her dreams on its leafy London street is a lifetime away from the Lancashire farm of her childhood. So what if her mother is tricky and James isn't in love with Josie any more and maybe she's not in love with him either? This is the life Josie never believed possible. The life she needed when her heart was breaking as a child when her mum wasn't coping and Josie had to grow up too fast. So why this feeling nibbling away at the edges of Josie's thoughts - the sense that she has lost something? If Josie is to truly live she must confront her future. To find her way ahead she needs to go back - way back. To the place where it all began.

  • Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st June 2024
  • Duration 09 Hrs. 47 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781399179102